Saturday, October 13, 2007
Amphibious Assault on Kenrick
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Prayers for Rita Brown
Christus Vincit! Christus Regnat!
Friday, October 5, 2007
First Friday Devotion
We come upon another First Friday, on which we celebrate the devotion to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. Of course, I plan to head down to St Francis de Sales Oratory for a Solemn High Mass.
It seems sometimes that pious devotions have fallen off over the last forty yeas, and great devotions like this one have been neglected. The USCCB released a document in 2003 called Popular Devotional Practices: Basic Questions and Answers, in which they say: "Popular devotional practices play a crucial role in helping to foster this ceaseless prayer. The faithful have always used a variety of practices as a means of permeating everyday life with prayer to God. Examples include pilgrimages, novenas, processions and celebrations in honor of Mary and the other saints, the rosary, the Angelus, the Stations of the Cross, the veneration of relics, and the use of sacramentals." (Paragraph 2) And the Second Vatican Council adds that "Popular devotions are to be highly recommended." (SC 13) Yet despite these exhortations, we fail to see the great numbers of people streaming to churches and holy shrines as we once did. What is the problem?
Well, I think the problem is clear: insofar as devotions are meant to extend the liturgical life of the Church, drawing its inspiration from the Sacrifice of the Mass, since there is a deficiency in instruction on the True Presence and in solemnity in our parishes, devotionals will appear as antiquated, useless, pietistic customs meant for blue-haired old women. On the contrary, devotions, like the Sacred Heart Devotion that we celebrate today and every First Friday, can fill the hearts of the faithful with many graces. To neglect this aspect of our faith is to deny ourselves the opportunities to grow. Rather than allow these benefits to pass us by, why not accept the invitation of the Sacred Heart, sacrificing a little to gain so much through Christ?
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Seminarians in the Third Millennium
There may be a few things that are theologically unsound, but we were aiming at being so over-the-top as to make it completely unbelievable. In fact, if you actually believe anything from the video (except for the bit about the pride a seminarian should have in his cassock) then you probably need a vacation. I hope you enjoy it!