Sunday, November 11, 2007

What's New

The fact is that nothing is new, and I mean that in two sense: first, that everything is continuing in my life in a normal fashion, and second, that I have neglected my blog in the normal fashion. I didn't realize how much time it would take to post every day, but there is really no excuse for letting a month go by between postings. Mea maxima culpa.
Today is my niece Teddy Belle's birthday. I tease her about being only seven years old, but today she turned nine. She has become a wonderful young lady, and I wish her continued growth in the knowledge of the faith and of herself. I had the opportunity to go out to Troy yesterday for lunch, and as usual, it was a pleasant time. I have heard a number of men in the seminary say that when they go home, they begin to entertain thoughts about what it would be like to be married with a family. Thanks be to God, I don't ever have those thoughts. I love my family dearly, but I am quite satisfied with being the uncle.
I will relate something that happened at St Cecilia's today. The director of Hispanic Ministry at the parish is going to have Aztec dancers during the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe and possibly at the Confirmation in the Spring. He knows that I do not approve of such things, but being that I am a part-time weekend warrior, my opinion matters not at all. In any case, after trying to convince me that liturgical dance is a legitimate expression of worship among Hispanics this director has rejected any idea of changing his mind. I suppose what I will have to do is email him the direct words of Cardinal Arinze, and, if necessary, I will email the Archbishop about this abuse. I will be a hated man, I suppose, but I feel I have to say something.
Does anyone out there have an opinion?