Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Building Renovation?

It appears that Archbishop Burke is intent on improving the seminary at all levels. Over summer break, he had well-known architect Duncan Stroik (sp?) at Kenrick, looking at the chapel. Now, you know as well as I do (or maybe not) that he would not have brought in the church architect unless he wanted to make some changes.
This afternoon, the theology students were invited to speak with some other architects who would supposedly be working on the rest of the building. They fielded ideas on how to improve the seminary structure: should we add rooms? Should we make an amphitheater? Should we make walkways and a park? Should we add elevators?
I must admit that I know nothing about this sort of thing, and when it comes down to it, I have no creativity or insight on how to improve buildings. If I were building a chapel or seminary, I would simply copy one of the old beautiful ones from Europe. Besides, we have a couple of architects (Dan Shaughnessy, Noah Waldman) who are now seminarians, and they seem to know what to do. Either way, it is pretty exciting to have these changes under way...all part of the wonderful things occurring at Kenrick. I doubt I will be here when everything is all done, and hopefully that means that I will be an ordained priest by then. Keep praying...

1 comment:

nwaldman said...

Dear Lord, Anthony, how do you find time to do this? (By the way I don't think your face is crooked but you need to check your surplice.)