Two months and Two weeks later...
Another semester here at Kenrick, and things are looking up in many ways. I think the overall spirit of the community is great, and this may be due in great part to such a long vacation. I was happy to get away for a while, but I also was very anxious to return.
Some things I am looking forward to:
1) Training for the Extraordinary Form - for me this includes helping Fr Keller train the new acolytes to serve the Low Mass, act as thurifer, candelbearer, and torchbearers for the Solemn High Mass. I am also interested to see if we will receive training in Gregorian Chant. We did have an opportunity to chant a couple of times over the break, once on retreat and twice at the Mass with the Archbishop in Washington DC.
2) The trip to New York to see the Holy Father. Lots of people are not happy about the location of the Mass at Yankee Stadium, but providence plays a hand! The long bus ride will be difficult, but at the same time, this is a great opportunity for us to be near the Pontiff.
3) Side work - although my MA work is not "side work", it will take up lots of extra time. I am happy to be working in liturgy, and please God, I will have a successful paper. Also, translating the Ceremonial written by Hegey from the original French to Engish, and also the Roman Pontifical from Trent to VCII from French/Latin to English, will also be exciting. I also plan to train myself on celebrating the Extraordinary Form.
I know these things are probably not very exciting to anyone, especially since my readership includes...pretty much no one. Oh well!
As usual, I hope to blo more frequently, but history would suggest otherwise. Keep your fingers crossed!
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