Friday, November 15, 2019

Welcome (Me) Back!

Good morning and happy Feast of St. Albert the Great!
     Dear Friends, on this morning I would like to reopen the blog that I began over twelve years ago and which has been left dormant for several years. Honestly, I don't know if blogs are the most useful way of communicating things to the world anymore; most people are absorbed in other methods of social media and I think the use of this blog might not be very effective. I think, however, that this will serve as a healthy outlet for my many thoughts on the state of doctrine and spirituality in the Church these days.
     Today is the Feast of St. Albertus Magnus, was an eminent professor of Catholic doctrine in a time when scholasticism was on the rise, was Bishop of Regensberg, and is a Doctor of the Church. His work and influence is still felt many centuries after he died, both on its own merit and through the teachings of his best pupil, St. Thomas Aquinas. God knows that we need at all times bold teachers of the Gospel! In those times, most people did not have the opportunity to study theology or philosophy in a university, most people could not read or write. Thanks in part to the work of this great saint, the idea of the university is now well known and many more people have access to the study of the sacred sciences.
     In imitation of St. Albert the Great I would like to give a new mission to this little work of my blog in order to evangelize and educate. I did not choose this date in order to reinitiate its use. That happened coincidentally, in a way, without my thinking of it at all beforehand. Moreover, I will be doing quite a bit more work in Spanish than in English, since there is an abundance of good catechesis out there in English, while I would consider the availability of Spanish resources of quality to be less so.
     Deus, qui beátum Albértum Pontíficem tuum atque Doctórem in humána sapiéntia divínæ fídei subiciénda magnum efecísti: da nobis, quæsumus; ita eius magistérii inhærére vestígiss, ut luce perfécta fuámur in cælis. Per Dóminum nostrum...
     [Oh God, who enabled Your Bishop and Doctor St. Albert to show true greatness in subordinating human wisdom to divine faith: grant that we may follow his teachings so closely that we may come to enjoy perfect light in heaven. Through our Lord...]
     [Oh Dios, que hiciste grande al santo Pontífice y Confesor Alberto en la ciencia de someter la humana sabiduría a la fe divina: haz, te rogamos, que de tal modo sigamos los vestigios de su magisterio que gocemos de la luz perfecta en los cielos. Por nuestro Señor...]

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